## version $VER: FlexCat.catalog 2.0 ($TODAY) ## language suomi ## codeset 0 ## chunk AUTH Finnish translation up to v2.1 (FlexCat 1.5) by Lauri Aalto. Updated since v2.3 (FlexCat 1.8) by Mika Lundell / ATO. ; Error message: Out of memory. msgMemoryError Muisti ei riit ;Out of memory! ; Warning message; must contain one %s (file), one %d (line number) ; DON'T EAT THE TRAILING SPACE HERE! msgWarning %s, rivi %d; varoitus: \ ;%s, Line %d; warning: \ ; Warning message: Expected hex character. msgExpectedHex Puuttuva heksamerkki (kuten [0-9a-fA-F]). ;Expected hex character (one of [0-9a-fA-F]). ; Warning message: Expected octal character. msgExpectedOctal Puuttuva oktaalimerkki (v [0-7]). ;Expected octal character (one of [0-7]). ; Error message: Cannot open catalog description; must contain one %s ; (file name) msgNoCatalogDescription Catalog-kuvaustiedosto '%s' ei aukea. ;Cannot open catalog description %s. ; Warning message: Too much Lengthbytes; must contain one %d (maximum). msgNoLengthBytes LengthBytes > %d (pitk sana), mahdotonta. ;LengthBytes > %d (sizeof long) not possible. ; Warning message: Unknown catalog description command. msgUnknownCDCommand Tuntematon catalog-kuvauksen komento. ;Unknown catalog description command ; Warning message: Unexpected blank. msgUnexpectedBlanks Odottamattomia v ;Unexpected blanks. ; Warning message: Identifier expected. msgNoIdentifier Puuttuva tunniste. ;Missing identifier. ; Warning message: '(' expected. msgNoLeadingBracket Puuttuva '('. ;Missing '('. ; Warning message: Identifier number redeclared. msgDoubleID Tunnistenumeroa k ytetty kahdesti. ;ID number used twice. ; Warning message: Identifier redeclared. msgDoubleIdentifier Tunniste m ritelty kahdesti. ;Identifier redeclared. ; Warning message: '/' expected (MinLen). msgNoMinLen Puuttuva minimipituus (kauttaviiva '/'). ;Expected MinLen (character '/'). ; Warning message: '/' expected (MaxLen). msgNoMaxLen Puuttuva maksimipituus (kauttaviiva '/'). ;Expected MaxLen (character '/'). ; Warning message: ')' expected. msgNoTrailingBracket Puuttuva ')'. ;Expected ')'. ; Warning message: Extra characters msgExtraCharacters merkkej rivin lopussa. ;Extra characters at the end of the line. ; Warning message: Missing catalog string msgNoString Ennenaikainen tiedoston p ttyminen, puuttuva catalog-merkkijono. ;Unexpected end of file (missing catalog string). ; Warning message: String too short. msgShortString Merkkijono liian lyhyt. ;String too short. ; Warning message: String too long. msgLongString Merkkijono liian pitk ;String too long. ; Error message: No catalog translation file; must contain one %s (file ; name). msgNoCatalogTranslation Catalog-k stiedosto '%s' ei aukea. ;Cannot open catalog translation file %s. ; Warning message: Missing catalog translation command. msgNoCTCommand Catalog-k ksen komento puuttuu (kaksi '#'-merkki vaadittu). ;Missing catalog translation command. (Expected second '#'.) ; Warning message: Unknown catalog translation command. msgUnknownCTCommand Tuntematon catalog-k ksen komento. ;Unknown catalog translation command. ; Error message: Missing catalog translation version. msgNoCTVersion Catalog-k ksen versio puuttuu; k joko komentoa\n\ ##version tai ##rcsid ja ##name. ;Missing catalog translation version; use either ##version\n\ ;or ##rcsid and ##name. ; Error message: Missing catalog translation language. msgNoCTLanguage Catalog-k ksen kieli puuttuu (##language). ;Missing catalog translation language. ; Error message: Cannot open catalog file. Must contain one %s (file name). msgNoCatalog Catalog-tiedosto '%s' ei aukea. ;Cannot open catalog file %s. ; Error message: Cannot create catalog translation file. Must contain ; one %s (file name). msgNoNewCTFile Catalog-k stiedoston '%s' luonti ep onnistui. ;Cannot create catalog translation file %s. ; Warning message: Unknown identifier. Must contain one %s (identifier). msgUnknownIdentifier '%s' puuttuu catalog-kuvauksesta. ;%s missing in catalog description. ; Error message: No source description file. Must contain one %s (file ; name). msgNoSourceDescription hdekuvaustiedosto '%s' ei aukea. ;Cannot open source description file %s. ; Error message: No source file. Must contain one %s (file name). msgNoSource hdetiedosto '%s' ei aukea. ;Cannot open source file %s. ; Warning message: Unknown string type msgUnknownStringType Tuntematon merkkijonotyyppi. ;Unknown string type. ; Warning message: Missing trailing ')' in %(..). msgNoTerminateBracket Odottamaton rivin loppu (puuttuva ')'). ;Unexpected end of line. (Missing ')') ; Usage message msgUsage CDFILE Tutkittavan catalog-kuvaustiedoston nimi (#?.cd).\n\ CTFILE Tutkittavan catalog-k stiedoston nimi (#?.ct).\n\ CATALOG Luotavan catalog-tiedoston nimi.\n\ NEWCTFILE Luotavan catalog-k stiedoston nimi.\n\ SOURCES Luotavat l hdekoodit; t ytyy olla muotoa ltied=lktied,\n\ jossa ltied on l hdetiedosto ja lktied l hdekuvaustiedosto.\n\ WARNCTGAPS Varoita k stiedostosta puuttuvista symboleista.\n\ NOOPTIM ohita identtisi merkkijonoja (jotka ovat samat sek #?.cd- ett #?.ct-tiedostossa).\n\ FILL K kuvaustiedoston teksti , jos k s puuttuu.\n\ FLUSH Tyhjenn muisti, kun catalog tallennetaan.\n\ NOBEEP DisplayBeep():i virhe- ja varoitustilanteissa.\n\ QUIET varoitusviestej ; CDFILE Catalog description file to scan.\n\ ; CTFILE Catalog translation file to scan.\n\ ; CATALOG Catalog file to create.\n\ ; NEWCTFILE Catalog translation file to create.\n\ ; SOURCES Sources to create; must be something like sfile=sdfile,\n\ ; where sfile is a sourcefile and sdfile is a source\n\ ; description file.\n\ ; WARNCTGAPS Warn symbols missing in CT file.\n\ ; NOOPTIM Do not skip unchanged strings (equal in both #?.cd and #?.ct).\n\ ; FILL Use descriptor texts if translation are missing.\n\ ; FLUSH Flush memory when catalog is written.\n\ ; NOBEEP Suppress DisplayBeep()'s on error and warnings\n\ ; QUIET Suppress warning messages.\n ; Error message: No catalog translation argument msgNoCTArgument Catalog-tiedoston luonti vaatii argumenttina catalog-k stiedoston.\n ;Creating a catalog needs a catalog translation file as argument.\n ; Warning message: No binary characters. msgNoBinChars Binaarimerkkej merkkijonotyypiss 'None'. ;Binary characters in stringtype None. ; Warning message: Gap in CT file. msgCTGap Tunniste '%s' puuttuu k stiedostosta. ;ID %s missing in CT file. ; Warning: Catalog language declared twice msgDoubleCTLanguage Catalog-kieli m ritelty kahdesti. ;Catalog language declared twice. ; Warning: Catalog version declared twice msgDoubleCTVersion Catalog-versio m ritelty kahdesti. ;Catalog version declared twice. ; Warning: Wrong Rcs ID msgWrongRcsId rin muotoiltu rcs-tunniste (t ytyy olla muotoa\n\ '$Date: yy/mm/dd$ $Revision: vv.rr$'). ;Incorrect rcs ID (must be similar to\n\ ;'$Date: yy/mm/dd$ $Revision: vv.rr$') ; NEW IN 1.9 msgUsageHead ;Usage msgPrefsError Virhe tulkittaessa asetuksia FlexCat.prefs, k n oletusarvoja.\n\ Asetusten malli: \ ;Error processing FlexCat.prefs variable, falling back to defauls.\n\ ;Preferences template: \ ; NEW IN 2.0 ; NOTE: This string is concatenated with msgUsage, so make sure you ; indented it the same way etc. And DON'T MISS trailing LF here! ; Type FLEXCAT and check how it looks. msgUsage_2 NOLANGTOLOWER muuta #language-kielt pieniksi kirjaimiksi.\n\ NOBUFFEREDIO IO-puskureita.\n\ MODIFIED Luo catalog vain jos #?.c(d|t)-tiedostoa on muokattu.\n ; NOLANGTOLOWER Prevents #language name from being lowercased\n\ ; NOBUFFEREDIO Disables IO buffers\n\ ; MODIFIED Creates the catalog only when #?.c(d|t) files were changed\n ; NEW IN 2.0 msgUpToDate Tiedosto %s on jo ajan tasalla. ;File %s is up to date msgCantCheckDate Tiedoston %s p ys ei selvinnyt. ;Cannot get the datestamp of %s